Happy Mom. Happy Life.

Between making lunches, changing diapers, and after school activities being a mom is exhausting. Taking a minute, let alone an hour to yourself seems wrong when the house is a mess, the laundry is piling up, and the kids haven’t taken a bath in four days. Sometimes,...

Time to Unwind and Relax

Father’s Day is a day to unwind and relax. A day to feel free from worries and do your own thing. At LaVida Massage + Skincare, we make you feel; unwound, relaxed, and best of all, worry free all in one session! Massage therapy is exactly what the doctor ordered when...

Therapeutic Massage and Stress Relief

April is National Stress Awareness Month, and while many of us may have a handle on it, others do not. Stress happens. It is inevitable and may be unbearable. That is why taking time for yourself is a necessity. It’s important to manage stress and improve your health...